Tuck’s Little Men and Women

an illustrated checklist

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The Little Men and Women Series is an early Tuck & Sons group of 24 unnumbered cards, roughly divided into three groups and probably sold in sets of six. The most charming six cards are of children, a boy and a girl, perhaps ages five to seven engaged in sociodramatic play with a toy doll named “Dolly.”

Sociodramatic play is a human behavior and development term for children who roleplay themselves as adults in adult situations. Role playing of adults through observation of their parents or elders, is common and healthy in that it trains the mind and develops different skills through play.

Ten of the other cards are boys posed with props that denote occupations. The final eight show children as teens and young adults in daily routines like sharing bites from an apple on the way home from school, the man going off to work at the start of a day, or in sport or game play like boxing and the exhibition of brawn and muscle.

An Illustrated Checklist of Titles
The numbers are those assigned by the Tuck online database.

1. A decided improvement – doctor

2. After Dinner

3. Black & White

4. Brawn and Muscle

5. Breakfast at Eight

6. Demanding Toll

7. Divided Pleasures

8. Dolly Needs Some Medicine

9. Fresh Rolls – baker

10. From the Ranks – soldier

11. Joys of Married Life

12. Kiss Dolly Good-bye

13. Now, Gentlemen of the Jury – barrister

14. Off for the Day

15. One of the Force – policeman

16. On the Way to School

17. On Time – conductor

18. Papa’s Pet

19. Playing Grocer – shopkeeper

20.Ready for the Bout

21. The Handy Craftsman – carpenter

22. The Village Blacksmith – blacksmith

23. United We Stand

24. Waiting for Orders – delivery boy





The cards in this set appeared in a very early Tuck catalog. Most appeared before 1907 and have undivided backs. However this series was apparently prepared in at least two different locations – Germany, for sales in Europe, and Saxony for the USA market. The cards meant for sale in America have a divided back.

There is also another twist that applies to the Little Men and Women series in that part of the set was used to advertise the Big Dandy Bread brand produced by the Haller Bread Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It is unknown how many in the set were used, but the total number of Tuck cards with Big Dandy ads numbered 60.

In the text of the advertisement, we learn that 60 beautiful and artistic picture postcards have been imported for the Haller Bread Company. The buyer was encouraged to start a collection by looking under the bread wrapper.

No proof could be found as to how many collectors got started by buying Big Dandy Bread.

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Beautiful cards, found only 1 ever in the UK. Rare series.

I would like to find a book about Tuck postcards, I collect cards on the subject of billiards, any help would be greatly appreciated, Lenny, email Fondinib@aol.com

Although Saxony is now a part of Germany, it was a kingdom from 1806 to 1918, and thus was the country of origin for many classic postcards.

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