Fishing in America
Fishing in America may seem like a topic with nothing new to tell, but the history as seen on postcards is both interesting and amusing. We look to Tuck to pave the way to unusual learning.
Eleven Postcards that Changed My Life
St. John Paul Chowder clicked the “Tell Your Postcard Story” button on Postcard History’s homepage. He tells PcH Online Magazine a story of finding his father’s “alarm clock” postcards in a closet forty years ago. Like his father, Paul is interested in “time” and has decided to stop wasting it.
Tuck’s American Views – Part IV
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania5 Comments
The city of brotherly love is so full of history that books about it would fill several shelves. That’s obvious, but true. Philadelphia is where America began and where our forefathers created the U. S. Constitution – the law of our land. What better place could Tuck choose to make such beautiful postcards?
Bed Time Prayers
Most people would agree that a routine you used fifty, sixty, or more than seventy years ago, would be forgotten, but I bet everyone can finish this rhyme from memory. “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray ….” Well, if you can’t, you will when you finish reading this postcard history lesson on…
Past Article
Postcard History is a free online magazine dedicated to vintage and historic picture postcards and the many stories associated with them. We feature richly illustrated articles designed to both inform and entertain postcard collectors and history buffs. We also provide the most comprehensive listing of forthcoming shows around. And there’s a rich trove of links to institutional and personal online postcard collections. There’s also a comprehensive, verified listing of active postcard clubs in the U. S. and Canada, which we’re working on expanding worldwide.