Days of the Week Postcards

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After years of collecting, a few hours of research at online postcard auction sites and talking to collectors, it may be safe to estimate that there are at least forty to fifty sets of “Days of the Week” postcards. The nationalities and languages of the cards vary widely, but English, French, Dutch, Hungarian, Danish, and German seem to dominate.

Saturday – Hungarian (Magyar)
Ironing Day
Wash Day
Hawaiian Pageantry Days of the Week

There are “bird,” “flower,” “tree,” “dog,” and “kitten” day of the week sets and probably a dozen other genres: to name a few, like Hawaiian Pageantry Days of the Week, Danish Large Letter Days of the Week, The Southern Belle Days of the Week, and the Every Day Honors an Angel set. There is one set in my collection that I hesitate to include for it surely would not enjoy a wide audience. The cards are printed in France and the set title, L’amour dans les nuits parisiennes (Love in the Paris Nights) and the captions are in French.

Vendredi à Paris

Day of the Week postcards quickly became a magical way to reflect and celebrate the passage of time. Surely, the cards were intended to be mailed separately to one individual; someone close in body, mind, and spirit or someone from whom the sender has been separated for reasons beyond their control. It is the sender saying, “It is Monday and I’m thinking of you.”

Popularized in the first few decades of the twentieth century, these postcards often featured whimsical illustrations or verses that captured the essence of each day. The sender was saying, “It is Monday and I’m thinking of you while mending a sock.”

In contemporary usage, these postcards serve various purposes. They can be used to send greetings or invitations, messages or reminders. Sadly, telephones and eMail have replaced “day of the week postcards” but they have become a very collectible art form.

Not surprisingly, Day of the Week postcards have found their way into social media. Users are frequently posting images of these postcards to convey day-specific sentiments to members of their virtual community. The very presence of a postcard used to illustrate a digital message adds contrast to digital communication. It provides a warm and tangible element to the ever-increasing coldness of the virtual world.

Day of the week postcards featuring children, animals, and plants are strange and curious themes. The inclusion of animals and plants evokes a sense of the natural, connecting the flow of the week to the rhythms of the world. Each day could be represented by a different animal or plant, and they could symbolize a unique sentiment never before so associated. For instance, seeing a busy bee on a Monday postcard might evoke the memory of a long-ago forgotten event. An action very much intended.

Other specific interpretations would depend heavily on the artistic style and the overall message conveyed by the artist or poet. The postcards that carry the message can be seen as couriers of joy.


“Day of the Week” sets of other everyday items were as popular as the postcard sets. There are bedlinens, bath towels, and wash cloths. In the world of clothing, there are Day of the Week underwear ensembles like women’s panty sets and men’s boxer shorts sets. Socks, too!


“Day of the Week” postcards have long been associated with traditions associated with each day of the week. These often stemmed from practical considerations, religious beliefs, or simply established habits.

Monday, often considered the start of the work week, was sometimes designated “wash day,” a practical application of the weekend’s rest allowing for the laborious task of washing clothes. Tuesday followed, frequently becoming “ironing day,” tackling the now-dried laundry. Wednesday’s traditions varied more, with some cultures embracing the midpoint of the week as a day for community gatherings or small celebrations.

Thursday, in some traditions, marked the beginning of preparations for the weekend, perhaps including baking or cleaning. Friday, the end of the work week, was often associated with special meals, such as fish, and anticipation for leisure time. Saturday, the traditional day of rest for many, was often spent on leisurely activities, and Sunday, a day for religious observances and family gatherings. These day-specific customs provided a structured rhythm to life, separating work from rest and daily routines from special occasions.

Saturday (Leather) 

One early twentieth century artist who did a particularly amusing set of day-specific cards was Ethel Parkinson. Much of her art was what the psychologists of today call, “precocious puberty.” In her day it was called “growing up too fast.” Parkinson would draw children doing adult chores or otherwise behaving like adults. In her day of the week set, we find two five- or six-year-olds doing washing, ironing, mending, baking, cleaning, and then enjoying a holiday.

Washing Day
Ironing Day
Mending Day
Baking Day
Cleaning Day

Happy Day of the Week postcard collecting!

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Great article! I’ve collected a few “Days of the Week” postcard series and enjoy them immensely.

When my sister was about ten years old, she had five pairs of socks which featured slogans for each day of the school week: SIAM (Shucks It’s Another Monday); TGND (Tuesday Good News Day); TDTTG (Two Down, Two To Go); TIAO (Thursday — It’s Almost Over); and TGIF (Thank Goodness It’s Friday).

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