Tag: Know it all quiz 3

  • Know-It-All Quiz No. 3

    Know-It-All Quiz No. 3


    Congratulations!   These readers have won points toward a “Know-It-All” Certificate  Bob Kozak 2 points Sandy Adrion 2 points Sandra Cobb 2 points Dave Edwards 2 points Julia Harris 1 point Megan Plauger 1 point Linda Zinn 1 point To participate in Postcard History’s Quiz #3 answer the question associated with each card and fill…

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Past Article

Kaya Fellcheck
The Tuck’s Little Bear series is one that will bring a smile to the world’s most grouchy critic. Sadly the artist is unknown, but whomever is was, they make you believe that, “if” you can do “it” (drive a car, fish from a boat, toast a friend over an evening cocktail) so can a bear! Happy smiles.

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