Tag: Know it all quiz Feb 2021

  • The February 2021 Postcard History Quiz

    The February 2021 Postcard History Quiz


    Editor’s Staff The Feburary 2021 Postcard History Quiz If you participated in the January 2021 Quiz, click here to see your score. The February 2021 Postcard History Quiz Postcard History welcomes you to February. This is the second in the 2021 series. Charles ChaplinThe deadline for this quiz will be 11:59 PM, Friday, February 19. CHAPLIN…

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Past Article

Grandville Landsdell
Rococo art is dynamic, clear, vibrant, and often animated. It is also difficult to understand without the words provided by an art critic like our new contributor Grandy Landsdell. Mr. Landsdell says that he has lived in Massachusetts all his life – so far!

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