Tag: Outhouse Humor

  • Outhouse Humor What’s funny? What’s not?

    Outhouse Humor What’s funny? What’s not?


    These days, a child’s answer is usually, “The Internet” when a parent asks, “Where did you learn that?” But, in generations past, the answer may well have been, “I saw it on a postcard!” I haven’t talked to many people about outhouse postcards, but in the two conversations I have had, opinions vary. So, what’s…

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Past Article

Ray Hahn
As we examine the work of Cecil S. Ashdown, we stand at the historical front door of Newfoundland and Labrador – the combined areas that form Canada’s eastern most province. Labrador was first settled in the last year of the 15th century by a Portuguese explorer named João Fernandes Lavrador, the culture is based on European […]

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