Tag: Zeigfeld Follies

  • Three Tragic Lives

    Three Tragic Lives


    Three women of extraordinary beauty, talent, and wealth whose lives could be the outline for an anthology of tragic short stories are portrayed in this remembrance. Two were dead before age 50, the other shunned by the world. Helene Held, Nance O’Neil, and Gaynor Rowlands are forgotten today but postcard collectors know their faces and…

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Past Article

Carol Mobley
Coffee-makers, blenders, mixers, can-openers, toasters, juicers, ranges and refrigerators. How could we live without these appliances? We could, but life has been so easy since electricity came into America’s kitchens. Nearly a century ago, Westinghouse Electric boasted that “electricity makes women free.” It does a great deal for men, too!

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