Tag: Cecil Cornish

  • Cecil Cornish

    Cecil Cornish

    1 Comment

    As far back as anyone remembers, Cecil Cornish and his parents, Boyd (known to his friends as Bo) and Lizzie Cornish listed themselves as farmers. Boyd was born in Kentucky. Lizzie was a daughter of a Missouri farmer. There were some hard times in the 1870s and during those years the Cornish family made their…

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Past Article

Editor’s Staff
Last September, here at Postcard History’s Editor’s Desk, we started to whittle-down a pile of postcards that have been found, bought, or donated. There are short stories in every card. Some are wonderful, some are horrid, and others are ho-hum. Today we present one of each, but we’ll let you decide which is which. Cast your vote in the comments section below.

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