Tag: itsy bitsy teenie weenie

  • Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

    Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini


    Teeny, weeny bikinis are worn all around the world today, I think!?! I haven’t been to a beach in years, but I tip my hat to any and all of you oldsters who once sat in the sand and scoured the shores of America’s beaches for a girl wearing such a garment. Here’s a chance…

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Past Article

Hy Mariampolski
NYC has never had a tour guide like Dr. Miriampolski. After reading his account of New York ballrooms, I was gasping for breath and my feet hurt. Often, I have wished that I was born fifty years earlier so I could be part of the fun, instead of just reading about it. Dance the nigh-away was a saying I heard in my youth. Today, all I want is to dance – morning, noon, or night – I don’t care!

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