Tag: John A Davis

  • Two Faces of the American Camp Meeting

    Two Faces of the American Camp Meeting


    The American camp meetings of the 1890s through the 1950s were good fits into the hard-scrabble life of that era. Many areas lacked traditional churches and there were few other diversions. John Davis was one such evangelist; he called his meetings, campaigns! For those who wanted spiritual experiences, it was Davis who provided them using…

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Past Article

Editor’s Staff
Today, Postcard History will bend a knee to honor the frivolous, a legend, and fifteen dollars-worth of whimsey. Very little hard evidence is available, but the story could well be true but not yet recorded for Internet researchers. That is not to say, the staff at Postcard History has given up on seeking proof, but we thought you may like to know what we’re doing behind the scenes.

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