Tag: Larsen

  • Lewis H. “Dude” Larsen

    Lewis H. “Dude” Larsen

    1 Comment

    Cowboy art and artists mesmerized the tourists of the mid-20th century. Wild west shows were the rage and souvenirs of travel west of the Mississippi River have become the rage in antique shops and malls. L. H. Larsen postcards are easy to find and inexpensive. Join the fun; search for Dude Larsen postcards.

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Past Article

Ray Hahn
[Editor’s note: I like getting email from our readers. I don’t always answer, but I appreciate the efforts readers make to express opinions about our articles. This message came to the editor’s email box unsolicited. After reading it I was quite amused; for I too remember the Carter years and the high interest rates of […]

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