Tag: Michigan Postcards

  • Radicals in Michigan

    Radicals in Michigan


    The hunt for postcards is a big part of collecting, but many postcard collectors gather as much entertainment in researching the events, people, and the times of their collectibles as they do in hunting for them. Here is a well-researched postcard that posed many questions. Most of them are successfully answered.

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Past Article

Bill Burton
In modern times, if a prize is the award for the best performance in a show, the winner would certainly be surprised to learn that his prize is a cake. That was not always the case. On the slave plantations in the early 19th century, a cake was often the prize. Cake was a rarity at that time, and the dance performances came to be known as cakewalks. Postcards help us understand how the cakewalk dance is a subtle mockery of the events in the big house.

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