Tag: Nipper the RCA Dog Postcards

  • Meet Nipper, the RCA Dog

    Meet Nipper, the RCA Dog


    Nipper, was easily amused. Legend tells that Nipper would sit in front of an Edison phonograph and quizzically gaze into the horn from which came some of the first recorded sounds in history. “His master’s voice,” is very doubtful, but his owner, the English artist Francis Barraud, painted the dog and entitled the picture, His…

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Past Article

Don Preziosi
For a time in America and around the world, everyone knew Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. It may very well be that right now in some restaurant, some place in the USA, a five-year old is asking his mommy, “Who is Roy Rogers?” Twenty-five years have passed since Roy died. It’s delightful that postcards can help us remember a gentle man and his horse.

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