Tag: Poster Poscards Part I

  • Introduction to a SeriesPoster Postcards Part I

    Introduction to a Series
    Poster Postcards Part I

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    The 1928, The New International Dictionary of the English Language defines “poster” as a bill or placard often of a descriptive character intended to be placed in public spaces. Many would agree that since the late 19th century, the poster is the most popular form of wall art in the world. In every kind of space, public or not, from…

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Past Article

Kyle Jolliffe
Al fresco (“alfresco” in English) is an Italian phrase that denotes an outdoor dining experience. In the summer days, BC (before air-conditioning) the inhabitants in a large city would do whatever they could to keep cool – even going to the rooftops to eat. Postcards remind us of what a fun experience it was.

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