Tag: Sketch artists

  • America’s Sketch ArtistsPart 1 of 6Henry T. MacNeill

    America’s Sketch Artists
    Part 1 of 6

    Henry T. MacNeill


    Henry T. MacNeill retired from his career as an architect in 1955.  He and his wife Amiee lived in Whitford, Pennsylvania, and both were active members of the Chester County Historical Society. Henry loved to draw historical buildings; his portfolio contained more than 300 completed illustrations of structures in Delaware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Unintentionally,…

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Past Article

Bob Teevan
Extraordinary people are easy to remember. Some time ago (June 9, 2019) in Postcard History Online Magazine you read about Henri Pol, the Bird Charmer at Tuileries Gardens in Paris. Today you meet a wrinkled old man who had a guinea pig circus in Bath, England.

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