Tag: suspension monorail

  • Tuffi und die Schwebebahn

    Tuffi und die Schwebebahn

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    [elementor-template id=”3378″] Tuffi und die Schwebebahn The suspension monorail was invented in England in the 1820s. The distinction is small but the first suspended railway was opened on June 25, 1825, using a patent recorded by Henry Palmer. It was built to carry bricks, but as an opening stunt it carried passengers. Through the next…

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George “Burt” Martin


Large numbers should never scare you, except on price tags. If you really are mathematically challenged, don’t be intimidated even if it is too large to comprehend. Here is a large number – 120,000,000 – that may make you gasp, but after a visit to Niagara Falls you will know the details and understand its meaning, it’s just a “drop-in-a-bucket.”

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