Tag: THe Duel

  • The Gingham Dogand the Calico Cat

    The Gingham Dog
    and the Calico Cat


    Wrong! Yes, the book is so titled, but the poem’s correct title is, The Duel; the story of a cat and dog fight between two stuffed animals in the middle of the night. Publishing, like everything else in life, is cyclical. Publishing children’s books hit one of its high-watermarks in 1912. The market boomed. Publishers in…

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Past Article

Ray Hahn
1 Comment
By Debbie Meister [Editor’s note: This piece is a fun read that appeared in a club’s newsletter over a decade ago, when I was editor for the Taconic Postcard Club; the east of the Hudson River Postcard Club in New York State. The author, Debbie Meister was so enthusiastic about Halloween postcards that we published […]

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