Tag: The Old Redhead

  • The Old Redheadthe Indomitable Arthur Godfrey

    The Old Redhead
    the Indomitable Arthur Godfrey


    In the television program M*A*S*H (season 8 – episode 4, aired October 8, 1979) entitled Goodbye, Radar, the camp’s generator fails while Col. Sherman Potter and his surgical crew are busy in the operating room. In the background Arthur Godfrey can be heard singing along to a tune he is playing on his ukulele. As the lights…

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Past Article

Timothy Van Staden
Overall, postcards are collected because they remind us of a great travel experience or a good time had in a special place. Since relatively few Americans have traveled to Japan, it is safe to assume there are fewer collectors. Perhaps, a broader horizon is in your future.

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