Tag: Yeoman of the Guard

  • The British and Their Traditions“Whose Keys?”

    The British and Their Traditions
    “Whose Keys?”

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    This card is part of a Raphael Tuck set entitled the Yeoman of the Guard #9221.  When you see the others from this unusual nine-card set, each is a depiction of those who serve the Crown at the Tower of London. Included are yeoman portraits as individuals and in groups and chief warders in dress uniform, both…

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Past Article

Ray Hahn
Eclectic! You know the word applies to you when you are happiest searching a box of unsorted postcards at a flea-market, antiques store, or at a postcard show where some dealers have the courage to bring dime and quarter cards. Here is a dollar’s worth of cards, but a treasure chest of history.

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