If your name appears between two gold stars below …
you are a gold-star, certified Postcard Know-It-All
Sandy Adrion
Alison Garner
Dave Edwards
Sandra Cobb
Bob Kozak
Other Participants
Cindy Blevins
3 points
Julia Harris
3 points
Paul Evans
2 points
Anne J. Stoudt
3 points
Nelda Harris
1 point
Peter Senft
2 points
John Phipps
1 point
And others
who came close!
Megan Plauger
1 point
Linda Zinn
2 points
Glad to be recognized. Looking forward to the next quiz!
Thanks so much for putting together these quizzes. I’ve enjoyed all of them and being involved in this. I do appreciate all the hard work you put into this, as I know it’s alot of research. Great job! Can’t wait for the Jan. 3, 2021 quiz to come out.