Tag: 1953 train wreck

  • The Great Union Station Train Wreck of 1953

    The Great Union Station Train Wreck of 1953


    Railroaders today remember this accident as the “Destination Wreck.” On the eve of President Eisenhower’s inauguration, hundreds left Boston on their way to Washington, DC. Many were injured but no one was killed. Truly a miracle considering the amount of damage sustained by Union Station.

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Past Article

Ray Hahn
In the television program M*A*S*H (season 8 – episode 4, aired October 8, 1979) entitled Goodbye, Radar, the camp’s generator fails while Col. Sherman Potter and his surgical crew are busy in the operating room. In the background Arthur Godfrey can be heard singing along to a tune he is playing on his ukulele. As the lights […]

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