Tag: cowboy

  • Lewis H. “Dude” Larsen

    Lewis H. “Dude” Larsen

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    Cowboy art and artists mesmerized the tourists of the mid-20th century. Wild west shows were the rage and souvenirs of travel west of the Mississippi River have become the rage in antique shops and malls. L. H. Larsen postcards are easy to find and inexpensive. Join the fun; search for Dude Larsen postcards.

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Past Article

Anne Peck-Davis
This year marks the one hundredth anniversary of America’s journey into the dark, dry years of Prohibition. The Eighteenth Amendment, ratified on January 16th, 1919, forbid the production, sale and transport of “intoxicating liquors,” but was ineffective in curtailing the consumption of alcohol, beer, and wine in the United States. President Woodrow Wilson vetoed the Act, but it was overridden by the House and Senate. Read how Americas behaved in a dry society.

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