Tag: Crown Holdings Incorporated

  • Bottle Caps and Pink Pearl Erasers

    Bottle Caps and Pink Pearl Erasers


    Since buying my first “collectible” postcard, I have often thought that there are postcards for “everything.” I don’t know if it’s true, but a recent discovery, the card you see here, is my very first Bottle Cap postcard. So, check Bottle Caps off the list.

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Past Article

Philip McDaniels
For some decades just prior to and during the turn of the 20th century, in places west of the Mississippi, the name Geronimo would raise an enthusiastic response in any conversation about current or historic events. He was admired and hated. Today, however, when we are more accustomed to looking at history as a set of circumstances, rather than a string of events, learning about a Native American through postcards is a different kind of history lesson.

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