Tag: DE

  • Postcards of My Boyhood Home by Pat Dyer

    Postcards of My Boyhood Home by Pat Dyer


    Hometown postcard collectors dream of finding postcards showing their childhood home. I was excited to find such a card while at a local auction house. I saw a real-photo card with a caption, “Rising Sun, Del.” in the bottom left corner. Rising Sun is home to a couple hundred people. It is an unincorporated village…

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Past Article

George Miller
If you collect fantasy postcards and cards signed by John Cecil Clay are not included, you are missing some of the finest examples of early 20th century American sketch art. Clay’s set, “In Love’s Garden,” published in 1907 by Rotograph is one of the finest examples of American postcard art. Postcard History is proud to encore Professor Miller’s 1985 checklist.

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