Tag: Dorothy Larsen

  • Lewis H. “Dude” Larsen

    Lewis H. “Dude” Larsen

    1 Comment

    Cowboy art and artists mesmerized the tourists of the mid-20th century. Wild west shows were the rage and souvenirs of travel west of the Mississippi River have become the rage in antique shops and malls. L. H. Larsen postcards are easy to find and inexpensive. Join the fun; search for Dude Larsen postcards.

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Past Article

Bob Teevan
It is often the case that an ordinary postcard poses the most complex question. Literally, a message from an uncle in the first port of call off the high seas to his nephew in the port city of Plymouth, England, became a mystery of identities. And, it remains unsolved. This reminds us that there are no answers to some questions.

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