Tag: Emlen Physick Estate

  • Frank Furness, Philadelphian

    Frank Furness, Philadelphian


    Walking into a building for the first time seldom prompts the question, who was the architect? Names like Wright, van der Rohe, Gropius, Pei and Fuller come to mind, but Furness? – not so much. Frank Furness isn’t well known beyond his home town of Philadelphia, but his forty year career brought over six-hundred homes,…

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Past Article

Tony Crumbley
Young successful women, in a man’s world at the turn of the 20th century was quite uncommon. But in a case of talent winning over those with bias, a young photographer, Mary Bayard Morgan, convinced the General at the National Guard base in Morehead City, N. C., that photos of his soldiers were good for morale.

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