Tag: five cities in four states

  • Five Cities in Four States,What They Have in Common

    Five Cities in Four States,
    What They Have in Common


    A favored line among the pundits in the English-speaking nations these days is, Said the sun to the moonSaid the head to the heartWe have more in commonThan sets us apart The syntax of this six, six, five, four poetic ditty is without doubt a literarydescendant of the famous quote from Alfred Lord Tennyson’s, ’tis better…

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Past Article

Bob Teevan
The concept of temperance may be defined as life without alcohol or abstinence from alcoholic drink. The first vestiges of “temperance” appeared in the early 19th century when the average American was drinking seven gallons of alcohol each year. Temperance enthusiasts said that drinking led to violence. They were right, but temperance as a social experiment failed. Miserably!

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