Tag: Garden Truck to my Valentine

  • G. W. Bonte’s Tuck Postcards

    G. W. Bonte’s Tuck Postcards


    Stan Davidson died at his Massachusetts home in 2012 and left his postcard friends to wonder how we would ever replace him. So far, it hasn’t happened. If you knew Stan, you were aware that Stan was the most deliberate checklist writer of anyone in our hobby. He was born in Maine, educated at the…

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Past Article

Thomas X. Casey
Today it would be unthinkable, but in 1923 having a rodeo in Yankee Stadium, the first ballpark to be named as a stadium, seemed to be a good idea. The first, last, and only all at the same time. The award-winning, rodeo photographer Ralph P. Doubleday was there to preserve the action on film. A few souvenir books, some newspaper clippings, and postcards are all that’s left.

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