Tag: Gingham Dog

  • The Gingham Dogand the Calico Cat

    The Gingham Dog
    and the Calico Cat


    Wrong! Yes, the book is so titled, but the poem’s correct title is, The Duel; the story of a cat and dog fight between two stuffed animals in the middle of the night. Publishing, like everything else in life, is cyclical. Publishing children’s books hit one of its high-watermarks in 1912. The market boomed. Publishers in…

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Past Article

Alan Upton
Reading folklore is almost as much fun as reading history, especially when you know in advance that much of what you read is nonsense. Guys like Hobo Joe amuse us, but when we hear about a real-life American who fits the characterization, it is time to sit-up and learn. Postcard History introduces our readers to Charlie Fox.

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