Tag: Herndon Davis

  • Face on the Bar Room Floor

    Face on the Bar Room Floor

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    It would be most unusual if more than a few readers of this article know the name Herndon Davis. Ergo, it will be my pleasure to introduce you to the artist who painted the “Face on the Bar Ro0m Floor.” Herndon Davis was born on an Oklahoma farm in 1901. His parents were itinerant farmers…

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Past Article

Bridget Whittle
Crowdsourcing. Yes, I too thought of it as two words, but in 2006 Merriam-Webster defined crowdsourcing as a noun meaning the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people and especially from the online community rather than from traditional employees or suppliers. Read about how a Canadian university librarian is using crowdsourcing to identify images found on previously unidentified real-photo postcards. Then prepare yourself to participate in a similar experiment right here at postcardhistory.net.

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