Tag: inventor

  • Bottle Caps and Pink Pearl Erasers

    Bottle Caps and Pink Pearl Erasers


    Since buying my first “collectible” postcard, I have often thought that there are postcards for “everything.” I don’t know if it’s true, but a recent discovery, the card you see here, is my very first Bottle Cap postcard. So, check Bottle Caps off the list.

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  • Thomas Edison and Henry Ford

    Thomas Edison and Henry Ford


    Thomas Edison and Henry Ford had become friends when Ford worked for Edison in Detroit. They established Winter retreats next to each other in Fort Myers, Florida. The inventor and the automobile magnate collaborated on several projects and were still close when Edison died in 1931.

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Past Article

Ray Hahn
There is a certain feeling of accomplishment when you find something lost or learn something new! It also happens when you’re looking for a person, especially when the person shares their name with others. While looking for Agnes Richardson, there it was, a 44-year-old classified ad in The London Observer asking for Biographical Details for an art museum exhibit. At least six of the people whose names appear in the ad are postcard artists.

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