Tag: London Arches Postcards

  • Arches: A Series, Part IV-London

    Arches: A Series, Part IV-London


    Postcard History’s tour of the world’s famous arches moves to London, England. An ancient compatriot, Dr. Samuel Johnson once said, “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.” He was right, you know this because London is the past, the present and tomorrow. It is my honour to guide you through…

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Past Article

Hy Mariampolski


NYC has never had a tour guide like Dr. Miriampolski. After reading his account of New York ballrooms, I was gasping for breath and my feet hurt. Often, I have wished that I was born fifty years earlier so I could be part of the fun, instead of just reading about it. Dance the nigh-away was a saying I heard in my youth. Today, all I want is to dance – morning, noon, or night – I don’t care!

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