Tag: Myron Horn

  • Lawrence Welk – Musician and Showman!

    Lawrence Welk – Musician and Showman!


    One of America’s best known entertainment personalities was the son of a North Dakota farmer. In a time of innocence and naiveté, but also when guile and deceit were not unknown, Lawrence Welk showed his contemporaries how the American Dream was supposed to work. Hard work pays; so does decency and honesty. Duane Stabler tells…

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Past Article

Ray Hahn
Some would say, “Desert plants should be left in deserts.” “No!” says the gardener who likes low maintenance landscapes. This may be another way to agree that variety is the spice of life. Postcards showing cacti, date palms, and yuccas are very collectible. One recently examined collection contained almost 250 cards.

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