Tag: Niagra Silk

  • Niagara Silk and How the World Dressed In It

    Niagara Silk and How the World Dressed In It


    Silk! The word alone conjures thoughts of enchantment and carnal sensations. Americans have dressed in silk for more than two centuries, but others have been doing so for thousands of years. We use silk for many things: parachutes to socks. Learn the fascinating history of an American silk mill.

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Past Article

Eleanor “Ellie” McCrackin
There is an adage: “… the more things change the more they stay the same.” It may be true in some cases, but when it comes to men with big ideas and lots of money, the only thing that changes is the price tag. Such was the case of Sugar Loaf Rock, a recognized landmark in California that is no more. It’s a sad story!

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