Tag: Observatory Postcards

  • My Five Favorite Postcards

    My Five Favorite Postcards


    Charles W. Hanson is 93 years old. When he was a boy he worked at an observatory in Massachusetts. His job wasn’t a big-deal, but it fostered a life-long fascination with all things astronomic. He claims he can remember the first star he saw through a telescope. Charlie lives with one of his three daughters…

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Past Article

Don Preziosi
Advertising icons, like The Campbell Kids and so many others wormed their way into the nation’s subconscious before we realized what was happening. All at once we knew who Reddy Kilowatt and Mr. Peanut were and what they wanted to sell us. We found them in magazines, newspapers, and even on postcards. Advertise on postcards? What a brilliant idea!

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