Tag: prison

  • Inside Sing Sing Prison and The Mutual Welfare League

    Inside Sing Sing Prison and The Mutual Welfare League


    Forty miles north of New York City, “up the Hudson River,” Sing Sing Prison got a new warden in 1915. Thomas Mott Osborne ushered in a wave of penal reform. Out went the lockstep, in came (limited) prisoner self-governance. T. Fred Robbins, a nearby photographer and constable, was allowed to document many of the changes…

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Past Article

Kaya Fellcheck
Chasing a long-time hobby around the country can be great fun, but hazards exist – not behind every rock in the road, but peril comes in many forms. Postcard History’s favorite postcard traveler is quarantined in a place she never expected to be, but she has had a fabulous time getting there. Kaya Fellcheck’s saga continues.

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