Tag: Roscoe Misselhorn

  • America’s Sketch ArtistsPart 5 of 6Roscoe Misselhorn

    America’s Sketch Artists
    Part 5 of 6

    Roscoe Misselhorn


    (1902-1997) For more than twenty years I often busy myself with my collection of sketch artist postcards. Spending hours researching an artist’s life, their working style, the variety of ways they utilized art, and the way they found to support themselves and their families with art has been fascinating. If there was an artist whose…

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Past Article

Steven Taylor
In the last decade of the 19th century Pasadena, California, became a resort city where the rich met the resourceful. Some would say, where the money meets the brain. One encounter, the one between Thaddeus Lowe (the rich man) and David Macpherson (the brain and a Cornell University engineer), met and the Mount Lowe Railroad was the result of their joint assets.

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