Tag: Spencer Davis

  • Anthony Comstock, September Morn, and the Fillmore

    Anthony Comstock, September Morn, and the Fillmore


    “Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech” is part of the first amendment of the U. S. Constitution. It went into effect on March 4, 1789. Historians are unable to agree when the first debate over censorship started, but we all know it will never end. Postcards are part of that…

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Past Article

Editor’s Staff
The lemon, like that famous comedian, gets “no respect.” Apples do, pears do, grapes, too, but the lemon, not so much. It was once the brunt of many jokes. No one laughed if someone called them a lemon. Today, it is different. Imagine how bland life would be without lemons.

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