Tag: SS Comanche

  • October 18, 1925The last day of the S.S. Comanche

    October 18, 1925

    The last day of the S.S. Comanche

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    In the last two decades of the 19th century and well into the 1930s, the best route to Florida was by sea on a ship operated by the Clyde Steamship Company. Clyde was a transportation line connecting New York City with several ports in Florida, but primarily Jacksonville. William “Bill” Clyde founded the company in…

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Past Article

Bob Teevan
What happens when a postcard advertising a magazine is used to invite guests to tea? Postcard History claims there is a story behind every postcard. Our motto has never been more apropos then here. A society family invites neighbors to tea. The hosts, their guests, a cheap magazine, a fishmonger and a cat all have history. Here is some of it.

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