Tag: Virginia

  • My Bargain Friday AND Bonanza Saturday

    My Bargain Friday AND Bonanza Saturday

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    A collector arrives a day early for the Old Dominion Postcard Show. So she browses the local used bookstore and comes across a coverless and battered copy of Alfred Tennyson’s Locksley Hall, for which she pays $2 plus tax. She reads it through and, next day at the show, finds the perfect postcard to illustrate…

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  • Fort Pickett

    Fort Pickett


    An uncertain spokesman once said to George Pickett that the “Old Man” (Robert E. Lee) gave him immortality. That rather dubious “gift” came by way of having his name associated with a battlefield calamity at Gettysburg that came to be known as Pickett’s Charge.

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Past Article

Richard Martorelli
For nearly twenty years, a French pharmaceutical company that made products containing isotonic seawater sent advertising postcards to doctors throughout France and North Africa. Each one carried concise messaging that provided doctors with information about curing adult patients of fatigue and lack of appetite. Another product cured physical and intellectual fatigue from overwork. Their mailing scheme was dynamic and frequently copied by other corporations. Remember, the “Dear Doctor” cards? These came first.

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