Tag: Warrior to Showman

  • Geronimo: Warrior to Showman

    Geronimo: Warrior to Showman


    For some decades just prior to and during the turn of the 20th century, in places west of the Mississippi, the name Geronimo would raise an enthusiastic response in any conversation about current or historic events. He was admired and hated. Today, however, when we are more accustomed to looking at history as a set…

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Past Article

Editor’s Staff
It is happening more often these days. We who work at Postcard History are discovering that a postcard may be the last remnant of the scene on the card. Homes, schools, churches, public buildings like city halls, libraries, court houses; they are all gone. New has replaced the old. Urban renewal is the catch phrase; build is the watchword. But when it comes to people – Wait-a-Minute!

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