Tag: World War I

  • Bruce Bairnsfather: the Father of Wartime Comics

    Bruce Bairnsfather: the Father of Wartime Comics

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    Long before Private Breger (drawn by Dave Breger) shared with us the humor in the often illogical routine of daily army life and Willie and Joe (drawn by Bill Mauldin) became the voice of truth about what it was like on the front lines of war, our British cousins had Old Bill, drawn by Captain…

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Past Article

Shav LaVigne
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In every generation of mankind there are heroes who may be short in stature but stand head-and-shoulder above the rest. United States Navy Admiral H. G. Rickover was such a man. Rickover came to America, earned his education and spent 63 years in the U. S. Navy where he took the concept of nuclear power from an idea to its present-day reality.

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