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Know-It-All Quiz # 1

The Alamo

Our first quiz tests your research skills by asking questions about five postcards commemorating the Battle of the Alamo.

After a 13-day siege, that began on February 23, 1836, the Mexican Federal forces under the leadership of General Santa Anna won the battle on March 6, reclaiming the Alamo Mission, located in present day San Antonio, Texas.

The vicious murders of all the Texans and other settlers at the Alamo at the time encouraged hundreds to join the Texan Army. Many were spurred on by seeking revenge for the killings.

The Texans got their revenge forty-six days later, on April 21 at the Battle of San Jacinto.

Postcards of the Alamo are plentiful. Some date back to before the turn of the 20th century (undivided backs), some are pioneer images, some are white-border cards, many are linens, and more are chromes. Somewhere, probably today, someone is still making Alamo postcards.

Nevertheless, there are a few rare Alamo cards such as these 5 cards. They come from a set printed by Curt Teich.

Take the Know-It-All Quiz

Fill in the form below with your name, email address, and your answers to the quiz, then hit the red “Send” button. If you’ve answered all five questions correctly, your name will be listed on front page of Postcard History’s website as a “Know-It-All Alamo Postcard Historian” the day our second quiz is posted.

Solve three quizzes in a row? We’ll send you a green “Know-It-All Postcard Historian” certificate. Five in a row? You’ll get the gold certificate.

There will be a new quiz every 2 weeks.

Quiz No. 1 – The Defenders of the Alamo will end at midnight (EDT) on Friday, August 14. The names of “Know-It-All Historians” (those who answered all questions correctly) will be published at the top of our next quiz. Quiz No. 2 – Mack Sennett’s Girls will appear in Postcard History’s “In A Few Words” section on Sunday, August 16, 2020.

Know-It-All Quiz #1

August 2, 2020

The Defenders of the Alamo

This Know-It-All Quiz has ended. The Winners can be found at Know-it-All Quiz No. 2 The Mack Sennett Girls.

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