Tag: Celebrity Postcards

  • Ozzie and Harriet and David and RICKEE!

    Ozzie and Harriet and David and RICKEE!


    Ozzie and Harriet Nelson and their two sons were not a typical American family, they were the All-American Family. The American Broadcasting Company’s Saturday night sitcom was as much an American tradition as Sunday morning church. Enjoy this postcard history look-back.

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  • The Road To . . . Movies with Bob, Bing, and Dorothy

    The Road To . . . Movies with Bob, Bing, and Dorothy


    Shall we hit the road or travel by postcard? Bob, Bing and Dorothy have done the roadwork. We can stay in our easy chairs. Contributing author Kaya Fellcheck will show us the sights.

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Past Article

Editor’s Staff
It isn’t always easy. Sometimes you have to shovel lots of dirt before you find a diamond. In many of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales the ordeal doesn’t seem so bad after you get the reward. In this story the frog and princess seem to be at odds until the spell is broken.

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