Tag: Ricky Nelson

  • Give Chrome Postcards Some Respect

    Give Chrome Postcards Some Respect


    Chrome cards like these, that help us remember life in the 1950s and 1960s, are fast becoming difficult to find. Oh, how soon we forget! Pretty soon they’ll be as scarce as the cards from previous decades — and almost as scarce as the products they advertised.

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  • Ozzie and Harriet and David and RICKEE!

    Ozzie and Harriet and David and RICKEE!


    Ozzie and Harriet Nelson and their two sons were not a typical American family, they were the All-American Family. The American Broadcasting Company’s Saturday night sitcom was as much an American tradition as Sunday morning church. Enjoy this postcard history look-back.

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Past Article

Edward Cleveland
Time passes and so does comedy. What was funny decades ago may leave the modern teen scratching his head, but for the person who remembers Lum and Abner, their comedy never ages.

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