March 16, 2025
Postcard History’s occasional series A Portrait of an American City continues in Richmond, Virginia, near where the Old Dominion Postcard Club holds its annual show on the campus of a community college. Postcard shows, once regular events on the calendars of clubs across America, have been affected in frequency, by the aging of collectors. Let’s…
Thanksgiving is a time of reflection. “We the People” have accomplished some wondrous things in the 245 years since declaring ourselves independent of the British Monarch. The American system of national parks is one accomplishment we can reflect upon and be exceptionally proud. Yellowstone National Park was the first (1872).
From ancient Rome to the deck of an aircraft carrier or the United States Senate Chamber seldom does a day pass when you don’t see someone giving you a thumbs up! This non-verbal form of communication tells you that all is well with the person greeting you, but it is not always true. If you…
Alcatraz Island sits in San Francisco Bay just over a mile offshore, but the mystery stretches for many miles. It is a place filled with history that would take volumes to recount, but today we will examine just the prison years, a couple of prisoners, and a postcard.
If you like to time-travel (of course you do, why else would you read Postcard History) you may like to turn the clock back to the winter of 1913. They haven’t invented television, the nearest library is too far to walk in waist deep snow, so what do you do? Let me introduce you to…
Welcome to the Postcard HistoryUnited States Landmarks Quiz Part 1 of 5 Those who enjoyed the Postcard History quizzes have requested more. We are happy to indulge them. The new quizzes will appear in a series of five at random intervals. Each quiz will include ten challenges. There will be fifty challenges (questions). If you…
National Union Radio became a corporation in 1927 and within their first five years of operation climbed to the top of the radio corporations list. NURC snatched Dr. R. E. Myers (a vacuum tube expert) away from Westinghouse and made him the center of an ad campaign to make every radio in America perform better.…
PUNCH magazine first appeared in England in 1841. This first successful humor and satire magazine keep the British laughing for more than 150 years. Raphael Tuck’s Sons never missed an opportunity to make a new postcard series. Tuck created over sixty cards based on the Good Jokes from PUNCH.
Postcard History is grateful to those whose curiosities extend well beyond ours. The Case of Jamestown’s First Cow is such a topic. Through the artistry of an early twentieth century Congregational Church pastor, we learn of peculiar things. It’s so much fun!
For most everyone, nudity is the most personal state of being. And, it is frequently difficult to discuss personal things. Postcards have at times filled the blanks created by that uneasiness. Here is a gallery of nudes on postcards that portray the one characteristic we all share.
Charles Crombie should be known as the Father of British Sports Cartooning. He became a very wealthy man from his postcard art depicting “the rules” of golf and cricket. Crombie’s art was humorous but accurate and imaginative as well. Today his postcards are rare and very collectible.
United States Landmarks Quiz Two Welcome to the Postcard History United States Landmarks Quiz * * * Part 2 of 5 * * * This is the second in a series of five quizzes. Each quiz will include ten challenges. There will be fifty challenges (questions). If you answer the 50 questions correctly, you will…
First (or opening) lines of a play, essay, or novel should have impact beyond all else. A first line should be memorable all the way to the period at the end of the last sentence. But, first lines will betray the writer’s emotions, state of mind, and their most immediate concern. Here are a few…
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Postcard History wishes you a Happy Tax Day. We have discovered a very unusual circumstance concerning America’s taxing agency – the Internal Revenue Service. One way to think of it is – aren’t we happy there is no tax on postcards. The postage is bad enough. Have you mailed a postcard lately? The newest rate…
While postcard collecting, it is often the chase that is as much fun as the find. We have all had this experience and my new friend Andy is the most recent collector to realize that his collecting has come to an end because there are no more. Or are there? Let’s help Andy learn if…