March 15, 2025
Raphael Tuck & Sons used Fred Buchanan’s cartoon art on postcards for a quarter-century but few of his cards, if any were sold in America. Was his humor purely British? A mystery to be solved. Who knows the answer?
A story of modern postcards. The images we present here at Postcard History are frequently older than any of us. Today I champion a set of cards that are sixty years newer than me. I think you will like these cards; I do!
For postcard collectors around the world, including ones who have collected for many years, it is, and always has been, the thrill of the chase. And, the discovery of a card you have never seen before. Yet, there comes a time when the chase becomes a “Wow!” Such was the case with this card and…
The Church of Santa Maria Novella, founded in 1221, and its namesake public square in Florence, Italy, is one of the most visited Renaissance sites in Europe. Millions visit each year to see the art treasures and to pray in the 800-year old Dominican church. But there is more to learn.
Attention Postcard Collectors! This is your week to celebrate. Postcard History offers a peek at the past and we salute the future of NPCW.
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The May 2021 Postcard History Quiz Postcard History welcomes you to May. This is the fifth in the 2021 series. If you participated in previous quizzes and youare working toward our 2021 Postcard History Know-It-All Certificate, click here to see your current score. Portraits in the Louvre The deadline for this quiz will be 11:59…
I don’t own a cellphone! A friend calls me a dinosaur. I don’t care. However, I do keep a datebook, and the reminder postcards I receive are a big help.
An uncertain spokesman once said to George Pickett that the “Old Man” (Robert E. Lee) gave him immortality. That rather dubious “gift” came by way of having his name associated with a battlefield calamity at Gettysburg that came to be known as Pickett’s Charge.
Postcard History Online Magazine celebrates two years of publication this week. Part One of Catching Up With Postcard History examines three new finds that remind us of articles that deserve an encore presentation.
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Postcard History will celebrate two years of publication at the end of May. As the editor, it has been a pleasure to work with a team that strives to make postcard collecting both fun and educational.
Postcard History presented the first Fifth Sunday special in January. It offered you three histories of cards that were unrelated and unusual. Postcard History comes in small doses. Today, we visit the short histories of three more cards that are truly odd. Tell us if you learned something.
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The Postcard History 2021 Quizes (First Half) are now officially closed. Second Half begins on the first Monday in July. Thank you all for your participation!
You never know what to expect at the historical society. Sometime people show up with a box they found in Grandmothers’s attic. It make us happy when people put the historical society ahead of the trash dump.
So many have lived among us who we would never know were it not for postcards. Rene Cloke is one. As a shy young girl Rene was interested in drawing and illustrating books. While in her forties, she worked in Britain’s War Office where the maps she made saved young lives during World War II.
Some stories are simply unbelievable. And this is one of them. It would help if you have an understanding of how much 42 pounds is. Then you can decide if this is fact or fiction. Either way, the fun is in the telling.